Real-Time Solar Data

Sunspot Number

Real-Time Solar Image with Numbered Sunspots

Latest sunspot number from NOAA, indicating solar activity levels.

Sunspot Number: Loading…

Real-Time Solar Data

HMI Magnetogram

Real-Time HMI Magnetogram

Current HMI magnetogram showing magnetic activity on the sun.

Real-Time Solar Data

Coronal Hole

Real-Time Coronal Hole Data

Real-time coronal hole data indicating areas of lower density and open magnetic fields.

Real-Time Solar Data

Aurora Forecast

Real-Time OVATION Aurora Forecast

Real-time OVATION Aurora Forecast from NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center. This image shows the current auroral activity in the northern hemisphere.

Latest videos from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)

Real-Time Solar Data


Latest video from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) showing solar activity.

This video highlights solar activity in various wavelengths.

Real-Time Solar Data

SDO 131

Latest video from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) showing solar activity at 131 Ångström, which is used to observe solar flares.

Real-Time Solar Data

SDO 193

Latest video from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) showing solar activity at 193 Ångström, which is used to observe the solar corona.

Real-Time Solar Data

SDO 335

Latest video from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) showing solar activity at 335 Ångström, which is used to observe active regions in the solar corona.