Sunspot Number
Latest sunspot number from NOAA, indicating solar activity levels.
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HMI Magnetogram
Current HMI magnetogram showing magnetic activity on the sun.
Coronal Hole
Real-time coronal hole data indicating areas of lower density and open magnetic fields.
Aurora Forecast
Real-time OVATION Aurora Forecast from NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center. This image shows the current auroral activity in the northern hemisphere.
Latest videos from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
Latest video from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) showing solar activity.
This video highlights solar activity in various wavelengths.
SDO 131
Latest video from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) showing solar activity at 131 Ångström, which is used to observe solar flares.
SDO 193
Latest video from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) showing solar activity at 193 Ångström, which is used to observe the solar corona.
SDO 335
Latest video from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) showing solar activity at 335 Ångström, which is used to observe active regions in the solar corona.